Manufacturing, Design, etc
1) Engineering Mechanics, 2) Engineering Drawing, 3) Strenght of Material, 4) I.C Engine, 5) Production Process, 6) Advanced Manufacturing Process, 7) CNC Machining, 8) CAD modelling, 9) Autocad, 10) Project management, 11) Renewable Energy Resources, 12) Product Design and Development, 13) Design of Machine Elements, 14) Engineering Graphics, 15) Fundamental of Mechatronics, etc.
International Publication Oct 2015 A Review: Design of Intelligent Car Security System IJRISE Volume 2, Issue 1
International Publication Oct 2015 A Review: Design of Dental Implant Abutment by CAD and FEM Analysis IJSRD Volume 3, Issue 8
International Publication Oct 2016 VAV Conversion of Metallic Scrapper to Plastic Scrapper IJRTER Volume 2, Issue 10
International Publication February 2017 HYDRAULIC SPRING TESTING MACHINE WJERT Volume 3, Issue 2
International Publication March 2017 HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER PLANT WJERT Volume 3, Issue 2
International Publication Sept 2017 Implementation of Outcome-Based Education Including Technology Innovation IJMER Volume 6, Issue 9
Attended One week Workshop/Training on Enhancement in ROBOT Design, Automation, Manufacturing & its Application organized by Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Polytechnic, PUNE 04-01-2016 to 08-01-2016
Attended 02 Days Workshop/Training on Internal Auditor course FIQSHE System organized by A.R.Kalsekar Polytechnic Panvel 15-01-2016 to 16-01-2017
Attended One week STTP on Excellence in Manufacturing Engineering organized by Government Polytechnic Nashik 02-01-2017 to 06-01-2017
Attended One week STTP on OBE with Standards and Quality Enhancement in Academia organized by A.R.Kalsekar Polytechnic Panvel 13-06-2016 to 17-06-2017
Attended One week STTP on OBE and NBA Accreditation Approved by A.I.C.T.E & I.S.T.E from 12-06-2017 to 16-06-2017
Attended One week Workshop/Training on Industrial raing Program organized by Tata Mtors, KSB Chowk,pimpri PUNE 25-02-2019 to 01-03-2019
Attended One week Workshop/Training on Industrial raing Program organized by BOSCH-DYPSOEA JCC, PUNE 19-08-2019 to 23-08-2019
Attended One week FDP on CNC Training Program organized by A.R.Kalsekar Polytechnic Panvel 16-12-2021 to 21-12-2021
Attended One week FDP on MATLAB and SIMULINK basics for Hardware Projects organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers and Training and Research Chandigarh 01-08-2022 to 05-08-2022.
Certificate of Appreciation in 2017, 2018 for Excellent Performance in Academic.
Certificate of Appreciation in 2016, 2019 for Motivator and Solution Provider to students.
Certificate of Appreciation in 2018-2019 for Excellent Performance in Academic.
Certificate of Appreciation in 2020 for Excellent Performance in Staff Cricket as Mechanical Team Captain.